Understand how shares are issued to investors & how dilution works. Learn to prepare pre & post-money cap tables.
5/5 rating | 700+ entrepreneurs are active users
Complete FundEnable’s online course to learn how shares are created & issued, the maths of dilution, calculating the price per share, & creating cap tables.
Generate the pre & post-investment cap table for your startup using FundEnable’s cap table calculator by entering simple investment details.
Schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with FundEnable’s experts to understand the shareholding structure, share issuance, dilution, etc for your funding round.
100% online, 60 min duration
Generate your startup’s cap tables
With access to all content updates
Available on course completion
"Nicely explained. It is always great to learn with FundEnable."
By Manishkumar Agarwal, Director, LithPwr Mobility
"Excellent course. Great help for startups looking to raise funds."
By Nitin Srivastava, Founder, Greengine Environmental Tech
“Cap Table & Shareholding Structures” is included in the FundEnable subscription along with the modules - investor presentation & pitching, building a financial model, understanding startup valuation, termsheet, due diligence, exit strategies, and more
Now available at an annual subscription of INR 5,000/-
Includes 12 courses, 20 tools & templates, & more
Schedule a meeting now!
Fundraising is hard. But our experts make it simple. You can now connect with FundEnable experts and get 1-on-1 guidance on various aspects of raising capital. All our experts are experienced in investment banking or are experts such as CAs and lawyers who can help you overcome various challenges in fundraising.